Friday, 12 August 2011

 August Bank Holiday Discount Weekend!!
We’ve recently been talking about business, and how things change over the years... We have changed our layout, we’re now almost exclusively mail order and festival based. Swag Box Gifts is now in our shop, which is an astounding success! The entire industry has changed hugely from when we started, it used to be all kids kites, then trick kites were all the rage. A few years later power kites had a major boom when kite surfing started taking off!

Many shops came and went quickly, almost all the good ones went... along with the knowledge and experience to deal with spare parts, new and old - this is where we are excelling!

Our range of spare parts, carbon fibre, ripstop nylons and polyesters are flying out, and we have to take constant deliveries coming in to keep up!

Since we are mostly doing mail order now, we don’t often get chance to offer 10% discount in store to our loyal customers. So we have decided to hold a 10% Discount Special Weekend at the end of this month. On our August Bank holiday a 10% discount will apply to every order placed online, your savings will show on the final check out page.

Take it easy - From all at The Highwaymen

The Highwaymen Top Tips - Larks Head Knot


Top Tips - Larks Head Knot

Step 1
Step 1

1. Take one of your lines, if it is not pre-sleeved or does not have a loop on the end then tie a loop using a simple knot, but make sure the loop is at least 10cm to 12cm in length. Once this has been done you are ready to form the larks head.

You don't need to be a boy scout, this stuff is easy!

Step 2
Step 2

2. Fold the loop back on itself so that you can then hold the loop in one hand between your thumb and fore finger.

Ok - How are you feeling..? This is childs play so far!

Step 3
Step 3

3. Flatten the loop out so as to form 2 loops side by side with the knot in the center.

You're looking to make two bunny ears*

*Imagination required

Step 4
Step 4

4. Fold the loops forwards so that the you can thread the attachment point through both loops at the same time.

You're getting the idea now...

Step 5
Step 5

5. As you pull the knotted part of the line the larks head will now tighten, and that is it, your larks head know is now formed.

Practice it a few times onto a lose piece of string, kite bridle, pet dog, what ever stays still long enough to keep trying!

The Highwaymen